
December can be kind of an intersting month in general–end of the year, multiple holidays commemorating light/sun/son/community… Mine started out with a wonderful night at Marula Cafe Barcelona!

The Hit Me! Funk Jam did their usual Thursday night vibe – locals laying it down and featuring a few guests on the mic and various instruments. Folks come out to party and they were already having a great time when I walked in! The next day was “Constitution Day” (national holiday) so I knew there was a good chance people would stay if I started out with the right vibe… The great thing about this venue is that it has an identity, so on a night where people are out folks will stop in to check it out. The set above is what I went with as my opening…

Session above is a little later on in the night. I handed off to Darkomedia after my set and he took it to the next level…
The following Thursday I was booked to play in Switzerland–Geneva’s Cafe Le Petite Reine, which is always a gas. The turnout seemed more noticeable than other times I’d played there, the bartenders were happy (always a good sign) and it felt fun and like I was “connecting” with the crowd. Here’s a link to my playlist from that gig: The next night, Friday, the venue was Grenzwert Bar, in Basel, which I have been playing since 2006–almost 20 years! The sessions below are from that night.

There’s a bit more to the month, but it’s late and I’ll do another post with more “goodies.”

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