July Biznizz…

As usual in July, the weather got hotter and the tourism got more intense…
For me, personally, I played some great gigs–Mon Ami Barcelona last Friday and the weekend before that I played a Saturday/Sunday double-header at Marula Cafe. Saturday DJ & impresario Joao put on his Organikka event at Marula featuring live band Vinocio. Some solid playing was going on with them! My set above (Part one) started JUST after the band. They caught me off guard because they ended a bit early–normally I begin at midnight and they finished about 10 minutes before that. Unlike my previous date at this venue, I didn’t manage to keep as many of the attendees from the show. Initially I took it as my fault, but I realized about 30 minutes later when the club began to fill up again that it was just the normal ebb & flow–the time before was an exception.
Sunday was considerably slower, but the crowd was no less enthusiastic! Following a major sporting event loads of people weren’t really in a position to go clubbing after–but the ones who were definitely came to party… Many thanks to the bar staff who made the night just as much fun, even with fewer people.
Mon Ami, the following Friday was a slightly different vibe–being a lounge, rather than dancing space. I played far more laid back and even got into some classic soul on more of a listening tip… I recorded the session and will upload for listening in a while.

…Keep cool and enjoy your summer!

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